How will Florida adapt to the effects of a hotter climate?
The world needs to get to zero carbon emissions by 2050. But how will Florida adapt in the mean time as temperature keep rising? The increase in temperature is estimated to be 1˚ degree Celsius from 2021 to 2050. It will cause an approximate increase in sea level rise of 0.49 - 0.82 Ft by 2050 and the current sea level is just about 0.55 Ft below coastal high flood zones. Accomplishing that will require a green industrial revolution in which we decarbonize essentially everything that compose our world economy. Finding a sustainable way to develop and deploy things, food, transportation, cool and heat infrastructure and at a more affordable cost than using fossil fuel alternatives, is the biggest challenge we have.
What are Florida’s best adaptation strategies?
Building seawalls to protect coastal areas against high water tides and hurricanes
Rising FEMA flood map elevations to increase ground storage capacity.
Implementation of more green areas and pervious surfaces for faster infiltration.
Updating County and City codes to enforce in all new developments a maximum application of the best water management practices set forth by the Florida Water Management Districts.
Replacing and retrofitting old storm water infrastructure with new master plans that implement higher storm water capacity and resiliency against future precipitations.
At RSP we are committed on helping our community and State building resiliency and adaptation strategies for future climate change conditions.